Git Tutorial

The Git Tutorial will cover the following:

- Adding READMEs and .gitignore.

- Using a GUI to manage file changes.

- Using a GUI to visualize the history of the repo.

- Creating a feature branch.

- Switching between branches.

- Merging changes from other branches.

- Rebasing a branch.

- Managing remotes.

- Pushing/pulling branches to/from the remote.

- Creating pull requests.

- Reviewing pull requests.

- Merging pull requests.

- Creating, solving, and closing issues.


By the end of the tutorial, you should be comfortable to use Git and Github to keep track of your own individual work and to collaborate with others. The aim is to use git with same ease you would use the save button in your text editor/IDE.


You will need a laptop with internet connection, git, a text editor and ideally some Git GUI: git-gui (linux) or TortoiseGit (windows).


Before attending the tutorial

- Please ensure you install all the software on your laptop before the tutorial.

- Prior to the tutorial, please go over the essentials of Git by completing the Git interactive tutorial:


This tutorial goes over: creating a local repository, adding/editing/removing local files, creating/deleting branches, pushing/pulling to/from a remote repository, merging changes between local branches.

These steps are also nicely summarized in the Git guide:


Friday, 13 October, 2017 - 14:00 to Saturday, 14 October, 2017 - 13:45
Vladimir Ivan
University of Einburgh
Appleton Tower room 7.14, University of Edinburgh