Edinburgh Science Festival Event - Gendering AI: the Case of Conversational Assistants

Presented by Heriot-Watt University

With many voice assistants carrying out obedient, subservient roles it's thought that this – along with their design of female-gendered names, voices, and personas – can encourage abusive language toward them. 

AI expert Kate Devlin, BBC design team member Fiona Linton-Forrest and author Mark West rally together to discuss issues surrounding gender and conversational assistants, and what can be done to combat them. They'll also discuss their work as part of a major research project currently being carried out on mitigating gender-based harms in conversational AI. 

This event concerns gender stereotypes and may contain examples of abusive language.

(Free) tickets available here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gendering-ai-the-case-of-conversational-assistants-edinburgh-science-tickets-156217425525


Wednesday, 30 June, 2021 - 17:30 to 18:15