Phil Bartie graduated with a Ph.D in GIS in 2012 from the University of Canterbury (NZ). His research interests are centred in data science and information systems, particularly in the overlap between models of space and place, mobile computing, and human-computer interaction, and how these technologies interact with industry and society. His interests include how spatial data models may be used to improve the effectiveness of interactions with mobile computers (e.g. autonomous vehicles, robots, and wearables) while exploring urban space, and the development of spatial analytical and decision-making methods that support more natural human-machine interactions. Before moving into academia, he worked in technical roles in government and industry in the Channel Islands and New Zealand, developing a wide range of solutions using database, mobile, and web technologies. His PhD and Masters theses both won awards. Phil has been PI / Co-I on grants worth £1.4M from NERC, SEPA, EPSRC, and SAGES, published 19 journal articles and 28 conference papers, with 2 best paper awards.